Tokyo de Volunteerの皆様こんにちわ。
JETAA Tokyo の Steveからのメールにもありますが、4月17日の「世界に感謝デー」の際に寄附にご協力頂いき、2HJに対して7万円の寄附を募ることができました。どうもありがとうございした。
5月21日(土) セカンド・ハーベスト・ジャパン
Shift 1 (preparation in Akihabara): 10am-12pm (秋葉原駅昭和通り出口9時45分集合)
Shift 2 (serving in Ueno Park): 12pm-2:30pm (上野駅、公園出口12時20分集合)
Shift 3: (clean-up in Akihabara): 2:30pm-4:30pm (秋葉原駅賞通り出口2時15分集合)
Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a great Golden Week.
Thanks to the generous donations from the JETAA and Tokyo de Volunteer groups during our annual hanami event, we were able to raise 70,000 yen for Second Harvest Japan to help with their Tohoku Relief Efforts.
In addition to monetary donations, JETAA Tokyo plans to continue sending volunteers to help with the Saturday soup kitchen activities in Akihabara/Ueno, with the next date being Saturday, May 21.
Please let me know by email ( if you are interested in helping out with one, two or all of these shifts next Saturday:
Shift 1 (preparation in Akihabara): 10am-12pm
Shift 2 (serving in Ueno Park): 12pm-2:30pm
Shift 3: (clean-up in Akihabara): 2:30pm-4:30pm
We could really use your help, so please let me know ASAP if you can make it.
Much appreciated!
Best regards,
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